Thursday, July 10, 2014

Chopper Chatter

One of the big topics of discussions the past few summers on Eastern Long Island has been the issue of an increase of helicopters flying over the area. As traffic gets worse and worse on the Long Island Expressway, those who can afford it seem to be opting to take helicopters out to Eastern Long Island for vacation.

A lot of locals dislike the choppers flying over their homes because they are loud. I recently found a post on the Hamptons Chatter blog that sums up why many dislike the helicopters. The post also mentions that now you can take a ride over Eastern Long Island for a fair rate of $2,500.

The writer of the post mentioned above seems quite angry that now more people may be taking helicopter rides over the East End. He cites the "air traffic noise" as the main reason why he dislikes helicopters in the area, just like most locals I know.

Personally, I would love to take a helicopter ride over Eastern Long Island myself and I never once have been bothered by "air traffic noise." Helicopters can be loud, but never once has one gone over my head and completely disrupted me. They make a little noise for the minute they are above your head and that is it.

I don't believe this helicopter situation as to be as controversial as people make it. Unfortunately it appears to just be another case of locals wanting to keep Eastern Long Island to themselves and not realizing all that tourism does for the area.

To all visitors to the area this summer I say ignore the haters and keep coming and enjoying the area! There are people who appreciate you and your business (money). Eastern Long Island is beautiful and if people want to experience the beauty from the air I say do it!

So if you have the $2,500 to spend on a helicopter ride over the area do not be afraid to go!

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