Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Biking Safely on the North Fork

In recent years more and more bikers have begun to travel to the North Fork to take advantage of the quiet country roads and scenery. One problem I have experienced with these visiting bikers however is that few realize how busy the roads on Eastern Long Island actually are.

I do not want this to come across as complaining about bikers on the North Fork, I have no issues with them myself. I think it is great that they come out here to enjoy the nice weather and scenery and I am not going to complain about visitors who do contribute to local businesses.

I instead want this to be more of a public service announcement/warning to those who are unfamiliar with the North Fork roads and come here to bike.

A lot of people bike out to Orient Point, the very end of the North Fork, on Route 25. I want all bikers to know that Route 25 is anything but a quiet country road. In fact, Route 25 is a sort of highway to New England since it leads to the Cross Sound Ferry that travels to Connecticut from Orient Point. At half past every hour there is an influx of traffic heading west from the ferry that has just gotten in. Heading east there are always cars rushing to catch the ferry.

In my experience driving on Route 25, it seems to me a fair deal of bikers do not realize how busy of a road they are on. I think if bikers know how busy Route 25 is things will be better for those on bikes and those in cars.

I hope all bikers continue to venture to the North Fork for years to come and enjoy the scenery and support local businesses. I just also hope that they do the best they can to stay safe and realize this country area is not always as quiet as one would think.

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